Applies to: Communicator 4.0x
Operating Systems: Windows 3.x, Windows 95, and Windows NT.


user_pref Settings for the prefs.js Configuration File

IMPORTANT NOTE: This page contains information regarding direct modification of the core Communicator preferences file, prefs.js. This file is located in your ...\Netscape\Users\{username}\ directory. Before making changes to this file, Netscape must not be running, you should always make a backup copy of the file before beginning, and the file should be edited from a text editor such as Notepad. Editing of prefs.js is not a procedure officially supported by Netscape, so do so at your own risk.

How to Modify the prefs.js File (Please Read First)

Before editing, close Communicator and make a backup of prefs.js, then open the original in a text edit such as Notepad. To add a line, simply type or copy it to a line of its own in the prefs.js file in the same fashion as other options already in the file. Keep in mind that parameters in this file are case sensitive (meaning that it does matter whether you type an uppercase vs. a lowercase letter), and spelling and syntax errors may cause the contents of the file to be deleted when you restart Netscape. So be careful and back up everything first.

This page documents preferences that can be set in prefs.js, but cannot be set from within the Edit | Preferences menu in the Communicator graphical user interface. The basic structure of a prefs.js entry is as follows:

user_pref("", "C:\\Netscape\\Cache");

In the above entry, is the parameter, and C:\\Netscape\\Cache is the value. Note that parameters are always enclosed in quotes. Values are enclosed in quotes when alphanumeric (containing letters or letters and numbers), however numeric-only values and true/false values are not enclosed in quotes. For example:

user_pref("", "C:\\Netscape\\Cache"); (alphanumeric value)
user_pref("browser.link_expiration", 10); (numeric value)
user_pref("browser.wfe.ignore_def_check", true); (true/false value)

Also remember that JavaScript is case-sensitive (it matters whether something is in uppercase or lowercase), and as a result so is prefs.js. An error in the case of a letter is equal to a spelling mistake. You must also be careful to include all punctuation, such as parentheses, commas, semicolons, and quotes. If you set a value equivalent to the Communicator default value, the line will be removed when you start Communicator.

When you are done modifying the file, save changes then open Communicator to test your new settings. If you have multiple user profiles, changes must be made to each user profile's prefs.js in order to implement the changes for all users.

Browser Settings -- Mail and News Settings -- Java Settings -- Other Options

Browser Settings

Maximum Number of Simultaneous Connections

The maximum number of concurrent HTTP connections to a web server. Increasing the value will only speed page loading if there is sufficient bandwidth as available bandwidth is divided among the connections, and decreasing the value may degrade performance. Default is 4 (fine for most modem users), minimum is 1. There is no maximum, but there is a limit of 6 open connections per browser window.

user_pref("network.max_connections", 6);

Network TCP Buffer Size

The amount of RAM (in bytes) to use for the TCP buffer. Larger values mean more data but can saturate the system on faster networks. Default is 10240 (10K) and is also the minimum, maximum is 31744 (31K). Values outside the limits will be taken to mean whatever limit is closest; i.e. 65536 will be taken to mean 31744.

user_pref("network.tcpbufsize", 31744);

Network TCP Timeout

The time, in seconds, before a timeout error appears when attempting to contact a server or perform a DNS lookup. This value should not be changed unless the user is experiencing frequent timeout errors (if this is the case, network maintenance is probably needed). A value of 0 for this parameter will use the default.

user_pref("network.tcptimeout", 120);

DNS Cache Expiration Time

The time, in seconds, before a server's IP address is purged from local memory. Subsequent requests to the server will require another lookup against the DNS server. The default value is 900 seconds. Unless there is a specific need to change this preference, it should remain the default value - reducing the value may negatively impact performance and increasing the value may cause problems against server farms.

user_pref("network.dnsCacheExpiration", 1000);

Disable Automatic URL Completion

Disables automatic URL completion ("AutoComplete") when typing in the browser location toolbar. Remove the line below to restore the feature.

user_pref("network.enableUrlMatch", false);

Specify a Custom Bookmark File Location

Allows the user profile's bookmark file to be located anywhere on the hard drive or network drive rather than in its default location in the user profile directory. The Communicator bookmark filename is bookmark.htm. Note the double-backslashes in the path example below - use \\ where you would normally use \ in the path. (This feature is available in the GUI in 4.02 and up.)

user_pref("browser.bookmark_location", "C:\\Netscape\\bookmark.htm");

Disable HTTP_REFERER Headers

Disables the HTTP_REFERER header sent to the destination web server when you click a link. Be aware that disabling this header may cause failures in some scripts and pages requiring authentication partly dependent on this header. Remove the line below to reenable the header.

user_pref("network.sendRefererHeader", false);

Disable Asynchronous DNS

Disables browser use of asynchronous DNS. Disabling this feature may negatively impact performance and users should only disable this if so instructed by a system administrator or are troubleshooting winsock problems. Remove the lines below to reenable Asynch DNS.

user_pref("network.use_async_dns", false);
user_pref("network.wfe.use_async_dns", false);

Cache HTML Pages Accessed via SSL

Allows HTML pages accessed over secure (SSL) HTTP connections to be stored in the local disk cache. While this may aid performance as the pages can be stored locally, enabling local SSL page caching can represent a security risk since the secure pages linger on the local system. The default for this is to not allow local SSL page caching, and to disallow it again, remove the line below.

user_pref("browser.cache.disk_cache_ssl", true);

Show Images After Loading

Forces the browser to load the entire image before displaying it in the window. Remove the line below to allow images to display while loading once again. Note that this parameter may not work in all configurations. A setting of false is not recommended on modem connections.

user_pref("browser.display_while_loading", false);

Check to See if Default Browser on Startup

Forces Communicator to determine whether it is the default browser on startup.

user_pref("browser.wfe.ignore_def_check", false);

Modify the Default Search Engine

Changes the default search engine called when you type ?{search keyword} on the location toolbar. Note that this does not affect the Search button on the main navigation toolbar. The target URL should complete a form submission - for example, the AltaVista URL is where the value for q will be filled in by whatever text follows the ? input by the user on the location toolbar. The default value for this parameter is which will randomly select a search engine for the value of ? on the toolbar.

user_pref("", "");

Options for Sorting Server Directory Listings

Controls the sorting of server directories, such as FTP directories. Default is 0 (display alphabetically), 1 is sort by file type, 2 is by file size, 3 is by date.

user_pref("network.file_sort_method", 3);

Mail and News Settings

Reply on Bottom

(Communicator 4.02 and up only) Allows you to by default reply after quoted text. Default is 1 (reply on top), 0 is reply on bottom.

To set it to reply on the bottom, cut and paste the pref below into your prefs.js file. Backup the file "Before" editing !!!

user_pref("mailnews.reply_on_top", 0);

Add Extra Lines after Quoted Text

(Communicator 4.02 and up only) Allows you to specify an amount of extra lines to add after quoted material. The value is the number of lines to add.

user_pref("mailnews.reply_with_extra_lines", 2);

Control Movement Across Multiple Mail Folders and Newsgroups

(Communicator 4.02 and up only) Controls the behavior when the user clicks the 'Next' button to go to the next mail folder or newsgroup containing unread messages. Default is 1 (ask for user confirmation). 0 will cross folders without asking and 2 will restrict the Next button to the current folder or group (so it cannot be used to go to the next folder or group containing unread messages).

user_pref("mailnews.nav_crosses_folders",  1);

Use MS Word Custom Dictionary

(Communicator 4.04 and up only) Allows sharing of the MS Word custom dictionary to augment Communicator's spell checker. The value is the full path to the dictionary (the filename is custom.dic and is found in the Office directory). Adjust the path below as necessary for your system.

user_pref("SpellChecker.PersonalDictionary", "C:\\Office\\custom.dic");

Use X-Sender Mail/News Header

Adds a X-Sender header to outgoing messages. If authenticated SMTP is not used, Unverified will appear after the user's e-mail address. Default value is false. An example X-Sender header is: X-Sender: "Moi" <> (Unverified)

user_pref("mail.use_x_sender", true);

Specify a Custom Address Book Location

Allows the user profile's address book file to be located anywhere on the hard drive or network drive rather than in its default location in the user profile directory. The Communicator address book filename is Note the double-backslashes in the path example below - use \\ where you would normally use \ in the path.

user_pref("ldap_1.directory1.filename", "C:\\Program Files\\Netscape\\Users\\your_profile\\");

MIME-Encode 8-bit Headers

Always encodes 8-bit headers (separate from encode 8-bit characters in the GUI). Use strongly discouraged except where necessary.

user_pref("mail.strictly_mime_headers", true);

Disable JavaScript in Mail and News

Disables interpretation of the JavaScript language in the Collabra (news) and Messenger (mail) components of Communicator. JavaScript will remain available to the web browser unless JavaScript is globally disabled in Edit | Preferences | Advanced in the GUI preferences. Remove the below line and be sure JavaScript is enabled in preferences to restore full JavaScript functionality.

user_pref("javascript.allow.mailnews", false);

Disable Address Book LDAP Capabilities

Disables LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) features in the address book. Remove the line to restore functionality.

user_pref("mail.addr_book.ldap.disabled", true);

Send Charset Data to Server for IMAP Searches

Allows character set data to be sent to the IMAP server for a search. Only needed in limited international use where the IMAP server also supports this functionality.

user_pref("mailnews.force_ascii_search", false);

Disable Registry Lookup of Unknown MIME Types

When a message is encountered containing a MIME type that Communicator does not know how to handle, it will fall back on the Windows 95/NT registry to determine a default action for the MIME type. This will disable that lookup in mail and news. Remove the line to restore functionality.

user_pref("mailnews.autolookup_unknown_mime_types", false);

Add HTML Domains to Address Book

Adds domains to the list in Edit | HTML Domains in the Address Book. All recipients in these domains are considered to have a mail/news reader capable of reading HTML. Add additional domains as demonstrated below (Communicator defaults to the and domains).

user_pref("mail.htmldomains", ",,");

 Java Settings

Disable Security for Unsigned Applets

Disables Java security for applets. WARNING: Since this parameter completely disables Java security, it should be only used for local applet testing and should never be used over a network and the Internet. Remove the line to restore Java security.

user_pref("signed.applets.codebase_principal_support", true);

Lock Java User Capabilities Database

Prevents users from adding additional functionality to the capabilities database (signed.db) such as by accepting signed applets from the Internet. If needed in a controlled environment, it is recommended that Mission Control be used to lock this preference.

user_pref("signed.applets.capabilitiesDB.lock_to_current", true);

Simulate Navigator 3.0x Behavior for Local Classes

Allows local classes in the classpath to have special privileges such as universal network connections and the ability to load Dynamic Link Libraries. Access to the file system is not permitted with this option - the Capabilities API must be used instead.

user_pref("signed.applets.local_classes_have_30_powers", true);

More information on Communicator Java options can be found in the Security Preferences Documentation.

Other Options and Locking Preferences

Please note that the above options can be set by any user able to modify prefs.js. If you operate in an environment that requires preferences to be locked in a certain state, you should consider Mission Control, which allows you to lock both GUI preferences and those above plus several others. Mission Control also allows you to universally set and/or lock preferences in all users' Communicators, eliminating the need to modify each and every prefs.js.

Command Line Options are detailed in the Netscape Support Knowledge Base. An additional command line switch, -start_java, is not mentioned on that page but can be used to preload the Java subsystem when starting Communicator.

Netscape also has a number of undocumented functions, some useful, some fun. The following keystrokes are available in the browser window:

CTRL-ALT-T  Show the current state of HTTP connections (monitor progress of a loading page at protocol level).
CTRL-ALT-S  Hide/Show the browser status bar.
CTRL-ALT-F  Go to the Fishcam.

Additionally there are a number of about: functions which are mainly internal URLs (such as about:, about:javalogo, and about:license) while others link to developers' pages or are Easter Eggs (such as about:mozilla). The Netscape Tricks and Easter Eggs page is one of several that provide more information on other about: functions.

Other options, such as HTTP_USER_AGENT/X-Mailer header customization, logo image ("throbber") alteration, additions to dropdown buttons, and "about text" are only available in Mission Control and cannot be set from the prefs.js file.

Kevin Hecht

Visit the Main UFAQ Page for other Tips, Tricks and Setup Examples

This page is maintained by Frank Tabor, Jay Garcia and Kevin Hecht
This material is being made available to you subject to some Legal Stuff 
 This page was created with the Netscape Communicator Composer

Last Updated: Fri Nov 28 17:23:57 1997