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Patrick Debois

Conference time - Summer of 2012

It’s the time of year that all conferences are gearing up. Here’s a list of conferences I’m speaking or wish I was attending.

  • ChefConf 12 - May 15-17 : the place to be if you’re anything with chef these days

  • GOTOCon Copenhagen - May 21-23 (me speaking) : fun conference and very well organized although a bit too static to my taste.

  • Devopsdays Tokyo - May 26: Tokyo was always on my list, I can’t go , bummers. Botchagalupe is winning :)

  • Atlassian Summit - May 30,June 1 (me speaking) : really proud to be opening the devops track at my current employer. First time my employer has an explicit interest in devops. Go-go atlassian!

  • Kanban for Devops , Belgium June 18-19: initially announced that I would be there, and I was very keen on doing so. Work got in the way, so can’t make. But if you can , you should! I’m sure @dominica will get your WIP (that is Work in Progress :)

  • Velocity - June 25-27 : the uber conference on anything on web and performance

  • Devopsdays MountainView - June 28-29 : this year at Google, looking forward to so much fun!

  • Webperfdays - June 28 : interesting unconference happening on performance. Happening at the same time as Devopsdays at Google.

  • Puppetconf - September 27-28 : and if you’re into puppet, or config mgmt in general. A cool place to be , hope I can make it this year

  • Velocity Europe - October 2-4 : since the success last year, Velocity Europe strikes again: Web Performance isn’t a US only concern!

  • Devopsdays Italy - October 6-7 : Rome, sweet rome - sun and devops - the perfect mix

  • AppSec USA 2012 - October 23-24 : not 100% sure on this one, but rumors go on a devops track in a security conference - sounds like fun to me.

Busy times …. but …. Fun times!