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Patrick Debois

Installable Vagrant Boxes

We distribute vagrantbox to people demo-ing our project. It is a hassle to install the whole setup for non-IT people The following is a proof of concept to make a self installing vagrant machine.

To create the box you need:

  • jruby installed

To run the box:

  • You need to have Virtualbox installed
  • And Java running on the machine
  • on windows machines you need to comply to vagrant windows rules (64bit)

Get Jruby and all the gems installed

$ rvm install jruby
$ rvm use jruby
$ mkdir shrinkwrap
$ cd shrinkwrap
$ cat <EOF > Gemfile
source 'http://rubygems.org'

gem 'vagrant', '0.7.2'
gem 'warbler'
gem 'sinatra'
gem 'jruby-openssl'
gem 'jruby-win32ole'

$ gem install bundler
$ bundle install

Prepare the vagrantfile

We create a simple vagrantfile that downloads a box running ubuntu

$ mkdir lib
$ cat <EOF > lib/Vagrantfile
Vagrant::Config.run do |config|
  config.vm.box = "shrinkwrap"
  config.vm.box_url = "http://opscode-vagrant-boxes.s3.amazonaws.com/ubuntu10.04-gems.box"
  config.vm.boot_mode = :gui
  config.vm.customize do |vm|
          vm.memory_size = 384
          vm.name = "Shrinkwrap"
  config.vm.forward_port "http", 80,  9000

Add Sinatra in the mix

To give the user a gui to start the vm, we provide a simple URL using sinatra

$ cat <EOF > lib/shrinkwrap.rb
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'rubygems'
require 'sinatra'
require 'vagrant'
require 'vagrant/cli'
require 'pp'

class Shrinkwrap < Sinatra::Application 
  get '/up' do
    body "We do an up"
        puts "we are loading the config file"
        @vagrant_env=Vagrant::Environment.new(:cwd => vagrant_dir)
		pp @vagrant_env
		puts "we are uping the machine, please wait..."
        Vagrant::CLI.start(["up"], :env => @vagrant_env)
        body "We are up"

$ cat <EOF > config.ru
require "lib/shrinkwrap"
run Shrinkwrap.new

Package the Sinatra project with warbler

Warbler allows you to package sinatra projects. It packages a jruby version inside the warfile so it only needs java installed.

To package the current sinatra, just run in the directory where you created the config.ru file

$ warble

should result in a shrinkwrap.war

Make the warfile executable

Next step is to make the warfile executable. Similar to jenkins we want to execute a war file. Winstone is the tool that makes it possible

Now can use winstone to make the warfile a selfcontained executable. For windows we need to package the “jruby-openssl”,“jruby-win32ole” so we create a warble config file.

We embed our previous create war file inside the warbler jar by first extracting it, adding it as embedded.war and packaging it back again.

$ mkdir config
$ cat <EOF > config/warble.rb
Warbler::Config.new do |config|
	 config.gems += ["jruby-openssl","jruby-win32ole"]
$ wget "http://sourceforge.net/projects/winstone/files/winstone/v0.9.10/winstone-0.9.10.jar/download"
$ mkdir extract
$ cd extract
$ jar -xvf ../winstone-0.9.10.jar
$ cp ../shrinkwrap.war embedded.war
$ jar cvfm ../ubuntu10-04.jar META-INF/MANIFEST.MF .
$ cd ..

Ready for take off

now you can start the newly create warfile with

$ java -jar ubuntu10-04.jar

And when you surf to http://localhost:8080/up . It will download the box from S3 and after sometime you should see the virtualbox spinup!


Point proven. I think this concept has a large potential, you just download the self-executable jar and poof, you have the environment installed. Mix this with a market place for VMs or vendors packaging demo of their products.

In a nutshell! The future is here :)

I’d be interested to hear how you would use this idea in your daily life!

Now on to the next idea!

Further reading